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1996.04-1997.07: 德国Augsburg大学物理系,Humboldt 研究员

1997.10-1999.08: 日本原子力研究所先端基础研究中心(高崎),STA 研究员

1999.08-2001.03: 美国 Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute 材料系,博士后

2001.03 -- 现在: kaiyun体育登录网页入口材料系(现kaiyun体育登录网页入口)副教授、教授、博士生导师



章节:《Modern Topics in Chemical Physics》, pp. 125-149, edited by Thomas F. George, Xin Sun and Guoping Zhang, published by Research Signpost, Trivandrum, India,2002.

章节:《Science and Technology of Nanostructured Materials》, pp. 121-130, edited by B.K. Rao, Nova Science Publishers, Huntington, NY, USA, 2002.

*. Q. Zhou, Y.J. Liu, Y.P. He, Z.J. Zhang and Y.P. Zhao, effect of underlayer thin films on the surface-enhanced Raman scattering response of Ag nanorods substrates, Applied Physics Letters 97, 121902 (2010).

*. Y. Hu, Z.C. Li, Z.J. Zhang, and D.Q. Meng, Effect of magnetic field on the visible light emission of V2O5 nanorods, Applied Physics Letters 94, 103107 (2009).

*. Y.Q. Wang, Z.J. Zhang, Y. Zhu, Z.C. Li, R. Vajtai, L.J. Ci, and P.M. Ajayan, Nanostructured VO2 photocatalysts for hydrogen production, ACS Nano 2, 1492 (2008).

*. J.G. Liu, Z.J. Zhang, Y. Zhao, X. Su, S. Liu and E.G. Wang, Tuning the field emission properties of tungsten oxide nanorods, Small 1, 310-313(2005).

*. Z.J. Zhang, B.Q. Wei, G. Ramanath and P.M. Ajayan, Substrate-site selective growth of carbon nanotubes by chemical vapor deposition, Applied Physics Letters 77, 3764-3766 (2000).

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